
12 Ways to Use Photos Legally on Your Website

Is Your Website Legal? - 12 Ways to Use Photos Legally on Your Website

To learn more about what you need to do to keep your website legal – attend the BREED seminar presented by Steven Brown – Are you Liable for What is on Your Website?

This seminar will cover:

  • Defamation
  • Misleading and Deceptive Conduct
  • Trademark Infringement
  • Breach of Copyright.


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You will gain concise, practical knowledge and useful tips from Steven as he has advised businesses from micros to multi-nationals on the legalities of website content over his many years giving business advice and is a Registered Business Specialist with the Law Society of NSW.  With his extensive experience lecturing at the Institute of Company Directors, UTS, Finsia and Macquarie University this seminar is bound to be as enjoyable as it is educational. Steven’s seminar will be peppered with real life examples of how other businesses protect their websites and don’t get caught out with illegal content on their website due to others. This will allow you to learn from other peoples mistakes and successes.

If you have a website, social media accounts or are thinking about getting a website this is the ideal opportunity to come along and learn from Steven about the importance of protecting your website. He will be available to answer questions you may have about what is on your website.


As part of the evening, Breed provides a warm and inviting atmosphere to facilitate networking amongst the attendees before and after the seminar. Meeting new people at events like this is a great way to grow your business. Either by connecting with new potential customers, finding new suppliers or just connecting with people who know people you might want to know.

Don’t miss out on this FREE event to increase your business skills, learn from an expert and make new business connections.

Use this seminar to find out if your website content is legal and how to protect your website to ensure your business grows.

Who is responsible for the content on your website